Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dreaming of Chanel

Trying to catch up on blogging this week and realised I didn't blog about Charlotte Smith's beautiful Dreaming of Chanel book launch held at the Carrington, Katoomba some months back.

I loved this job... beautiful models, fabulous clothes and the Carrington, which is always a challenge to shoot in, primarily because it's got so many alcoves and little spaces that it's pretty hard to light.  Not one to bump up my ISO and get grainy images, I try to light it properly.  Mwahahaha.  Easy.

Anyway, without boring you with all the technical stuff, here's some of the shots from it which I particularly love.  Enjoy.

Charlotte's beautiful hair style

Love this lady's face.  Great style too.  

Tara Moss... what a nice lady she is.

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