Saturday, April 30, 2011

Mt Tomah Botanical Gardens

I was thrilled to find that Barry O'Farrell had kept his election promise of making all the botanical gardens free entry in NSW.  And there was me thinking that cynically, Mr O'Farrell was just doing the usual politician thing of promising and never delivering.  How very nice to be wrong.

Mt Tomah's one of my favourite places to go... beautiful colours of the autumnal trees at this time of years, combined with crisp blue skies, wonderful wildlife if you're patient enough to wait, plus an amazing drive there and back, past incredible escarpments that are worth pulling over to stop and have a look at.
And now it's free, there's even more reason to go, especially with your children who'll love rolling down the grassy hills, throwing the golden leaves around and following the Brush turkey who comes inquisitively to check out what you're eating for lunch.
Mt Tomah has a great cafe too.
Mt Tomah is the perfect place, I find, to find rest in a busy world and just fill your soul up with all the wonderful scents, sounds, colours and textures. 
Enjoy.  And 'Thank you, Barry.' 

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