Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Blue Mountains Photographer ~ Wedding

Shooting a wedding is where I have to be bossy... 'stand like this, shoulders back, big breath, look down the lens, and a little smile, look at your wife, and look at me... look at meeee...' (Kimmy)...

I'm not naturally a bossy person.  I prefer to let the organic moments in a wedding take over so that there's space for intimacy as well.
But on the other hand, this huge responsibility is yours... to give the couple their most precious memories and so being 'bossy' or directing the moment is totally imperative because if you don't do that, you miss so much.

The real trick is finding the balance between that organic moment and being too directive.

'Just ignore me' is my best advice at a wedding... because it allows the moment to take over, the intimacy to show and the beauty of two people truly in love to shine and that, for me, is what it's all about.

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