Saturday, May 21, 2011

Glenbrook Markets

It's such a beautiful day here in the mountains.  Who can believe that Winter is around the corner when we're having weather like this?  I'm glad we're getting a nice Autumn now... the last few weeks have been a little too cold for me.
So we drifted down to see Glenbrook markets which are on every month.  I've never been down before but I knew that Ellen Hill from Deep Hill Fine Art Media would be there, and also Crafty Cat... so we popped down for a look and a chat.

There were some great fruit and veggie stalls there, loads of crafty home made type things and of course, a few people advertising their other creations... Check out Ellen and David Hill's book, 'People Like You'... Wow!  You can get some amazing things at the markets these days!

Ellen Hill...  Very beautiful, very talented.

I had a little wander after chatting to Ellen and took a few shots of people there.
'What's it for?' asked someone...

'Just for the sheer pleasure of it....' is the answer.

Thank you if you let me take your photograph today and if you'd like it, click on it and download or email me at

Have a great weekend!

Beautiful looking... must put the colour version up too... 

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