Thursday, August 25, 2011

Blue Mountains Photographer - Hangin' with the wildlife

I know there's a few American and Canadian friends who read this blog so I thought I'd just post a pic of one of our Antipodean furry friends especially for them.

This mob of kangaroos were on the beach and then later came to lie around on the grass in front of our beach house, so we lay there with them for an hour or so just watching them. They really are beautiful and unusual creatures.

They have REALLY amazing feet... (Click the images to make them bigger)

They also really like apple... 

 And a good snooze afterwards ....

(How sweet is that?}

***If you'd like to use my kanga pictures for your personal (non commercial) use, please just right click and save.  Commercial, please contact me first.  I haven't ever said no but it's just a courtesy:-)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Blue Mountains Photographer - Between a Rock...

I have long had a fascination with geology. Rocks are beautiful. This one was at the beach on the south coast. I love the colours and layers within it.
Rocks are a lot like people.

Blue Mountains Photographer ~ Catching the light

So I headed away from the mountains and down to the coast. It was late when we arrived. We drifted off to the sound of the surf on the beach.
I woke just before dawn and grabbed my camera, walking down the few steps to the beach in my pyjamas.
There were kangaroos nibbling the grass in the half light in front of me.
Down on the beach, the sea was calm and over on the horizon, the sun started to appear.
I snapped on the beach for over an hour but this is my favourite shot because of the other photographer standing there on the headland who arrived to do the same exact same thing. We never met and he's just a black figure in this shot... just another like minded individual who was up at the same time, waiting to capture the sunrise like me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Blue Mountains Photographer ~ Weddings at the Mamre Homestead

I shot a stunning wedding over the weekend and this is one of my favourite shots out of the entire day, although there are many more competing for that position.
I was half tempted to put a unicorn horn on the horse. : )
My favourite kind of weddings are the simple ones, like this one, which took place at the Mamre homestead, NSW.  A beautiful and joyous occasion, close family, friends, thoughtful and honest.

The Mamre Homestead is a classic venue to hold a wedding. I'll blog a little more about that at a later date.

Enjoy your Sunday

Friday, August 5, 2011

Blue Mountains Photorgrapher ~Shot of the day...

Such a beautiful shoot in the Megalong Valley this morning. The birds were calling, the morning mists lifting, the sun filtering through the rainforest canopy and onto the paddocks below.
The Megalong Valley is filled with such calm beauty at this time of morning, it's a joy to be there.
Enjoy your weekend.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tall trees

These trees on the southern coast of Australia reminded me of Mel Jones' work.  I was trying to take them at the angle that she paints them.  If there'd been a setting moon behind them, it would have been perfect.  Alas, it was the wrong direction for that. 
You can see her at Journeymoon Art... Mel's currently the Artist in Residence at Mt Tomah Botanical Gardens.
Check out her beautiful work around the Blue Mountains.